Also, ich liebe irgendwie "Lieblings-Spruch-Theards" xD Deswegen hab ich mal einen aufgemacht. Meine:
Patty: "Du hast gesagt, dass du mit mir ans Meer fährst!" Dante: "Was willst du denn da?" Patty: "Na mich amüsieren! Ich möchte schwimmen, spielen, mich sonnen und leckere Sachen essen." Dante: "Das geht wo anderst doch auch." Patty: "Aber ich will halt mal ans Meer fahren!!!" Dante: "Na schön...*Schlüssel zeig* hier, ich leih dir meine Karre, dann kannst du alleine hinfahren." Patty: "Ach Dante, du weißt doch genau dass ich das nicht kann! Wenn ich es könnte hätte ich mir schon längst deinen Wagen genommen..."
Patty: "Ist das war? Bist es denn wirklich Dante?" Dante: "(grins) Kennst du etwa noch einen anderen, der so cool ist wie ich?"
Lol oh je x.X Ich kenn die deutsche Dub gar nicht auswendig. Hab mir Folge 1 angetan und sie dann nie wieder angehört, glaub ich ^^"
Aber einer meiner Lieblingssprüche dürfte folgender sein: Dante: "Next time you open up shop don't forget to add Strawberry Sundaes to the menu."
Oder auch: Dante: "Hey, anyone here?" Wirt: "Yup!" Dante: "One Strawberry Sundae." Wirt: "We don't have treats for the kiddies here." Dante: "I didn't think you would. I can never get them in places like this. Man, this is a slow run here, isn't it?" Wirt: "Yeah... To tell you the truth, I can't find any customers since that incident. What a way to run a reastaurant." Dante: "Tell me everything you know, about that incident." Wirt: "Who are you anyway, a detective? Some kind of cop?" Dante: "Doesn't matter either way. You tell me that secret and I'll tell you a secret that'll have customers lined up out the door." (Es folgt ein Flashback) Wirt: " 'It's all my fault...' " Dante: "So you're telling that's what this Kerry guy kept saying?" Wirt: "Yeah. I was taking it as a confession and he was arrested. There were no other customers here after all and Claude's whole body was just melted away. Either thought it was the work of a demon." Dante: "So I don't suppose you have any idea where this Kerry guy is now?" Wirt: "Well, the last time I heard, they locked him in a cell at Devil's Prison." (Cameo von Morrison, Dante will den Laden verlassen) Wirt: "Hey! How about the secret that'll have customers lined up out the door?" Dante: "Try putting Strawberry Sundaes on the menu."
^ K, das obere ist mehr eine Szene, als ein Spruch, aber ich finde die Running Gags mit den Strawberry Sundaes einfach toll ^^"
Ich hatte schon mal einen @.@ Ich hab zwar keinen blassen, ob der Strawberry Sundae in DMC gleich oder zumindest ähnlich schmeckt, aber in dem Kaff, in dem mein Opa wohnt, gibt es ein Eiscafé, das einen Becher namens Strawberry Sundae im Angebot hat(te). Als ich den Namen gelesen habe, konnte ich einfach nicht widerstehen, auch wenn mir bewusst war, wie idiotisch das eigentlich war ^^" Aber hey, der Eisbecher hat trotzdem verdammt gut geschmeckt ^^
Und hier noch ein Zitat aus der englischen Sub-Version (in der Dub klingt das leider Gottes anders): Patty zu Dante: "You suck at gambling, don't you?"
Zitat von GilverIch hatte schon mal einen @.@ Ich hab zwar keinen blassen, ob der Strawberry Sundae in DMC gleich oder zumindest ähnlich schmeckt, aber in dem Kaff, in dem mein Opa wohnt, gibt es ein Eiscafé, das einen Becher namens Strawberry Sundae im Angebot hat(te). Als ich den Namen gelesen habe, konnte ich einfach nicht widerstehen, auch wenn mir bewusst war, wie idiotisch das eigentlich war ^^" Aber hey, der Eisbecher hat trotzdem verdammt gut geschmeckt ^^
Und hier noch ein Zitat aus der englischen Sub-Version (in der Dub klingt das leider Gottes anders): Patty zu Dante: "You suck at gambling, don't you?"
Kann ich mir gut vorstellen dass der gut schmeckt! :D Schon daher weil mir Erdbeereis generell gut schmeckt, hab heute eins in Mainz gefuttert. P: Ja, auf YouTube kannst du's auf deutsch gucken.
Ich will's gar nicht auf Deutsch gucken, sonst bekomm ich Alpträume ^^" Für gewöhnlich guck ich Animes immer im O-Ton mit englischen Subs, bei DMC mach ich halt manchmal ne Ausnahme und hör mir auch die englische Dub an, weil ich Reuben Langdon toll finde als Dantes Synchronsprecher ^^" Aber um über die Synchronsprecher zu schwärmen haben wir hier ja irgendwo nen extra Thread ^^"
Zitat von GilverIch will's gar nicht auf Deutsch gucken, sonst bekomm ich Alpträume ^^" Für gewöhnlich guck ich Animes immer im O-Ton mit englischen Subs, bei DMC mach ich halt manchmal ne Ausnahme und hör mir auch die englische Dub an, weil ich Reuben Langdon toll finde als Dantes Synchronsprecher ^^" Aber um über die Synchronsprecher zu schwärmen haben wir hier ja irgendwo nen extra Thread ^^"
Naja, ist ja jedem selbst überlassen.^^ Ich hoffe dass morgen noch andere schreiben, ich will hören was die noch so auf Lager haben! :D
Ich weiß die Sprüche zwar nicht mehr auswendig aber ich fand es urkomisch, als Dante die Rechnungen von den ganzen Klamotten bekam, die sich Trish, Lady & Patty gekauft hatten xD
Those four super superiors from launched to the dreamlike mansion on appearing strong offend, first is made use of bomb to destroy to be located in a ground under of power supply building, and destroyed spare power of mansion.In this process, they kill some companies public securities that rush through to intercept.Then they cut off together outside telephone line of dreamlike mansion and network line conjunction, finally started the outside signal interference in a car machine, isolated a mansion inside together and outside the wireless signal of world, thoroughly stand alone a dreamlike mansion. However like very hard in the building of dreamlike mansion, even if the bomb that suffered big power attackstones, it also just lets the equipments in the room be subjected to certain harm, the wall body of room's pouring is intact to have no Sun, didn't also result in to the mansion what damage.This is also the Yan to fly at the beginning would like to spend the reason that the big price bought this hard mansion, in this turning point, the hard degree of the building has a huge protection function. Maintain a rushing to repair of personnel in the mansion under, spare power of the mansion is temporarily repaired, can already give the mansion temporary power supply, hence a group of persons embark elevator beginning up arrive the 45 F of mansion.That just still the first time came to dreamlike mansion, be he saw dreamlike mansion 1 F floor of height in 6 meters of time, some Za tongues, don't know why the mansion would waste space like this.However he also discovers in the room of 6 meters height, the space is very open spaces, the staff member just should feel very easy in going to work. On everyone to the 45 F, the right here discovered the trace of vigorous combat.The corner of wall of flank still lies a corpse that ninja dresses up, originally black dress ninja after losing heart, finally pay to can not hold up, or depart from this life. Visited bateau to come forward to pull this black dress ninja the black towel on the face, discover this person to incredibly also know.This person is also a super superior of insularity, he is originally an insularity mountain the person of household, his name call mountain originally one man.It is said that as long as this person makes moves, can not have no him to complete of task, his real strenght already drive mountain originally household air opinion marvelous, having already belonged to legendary person, but having never thoughting will be flown by the Yan to dig heart but die here. Visit the bateau understands very much to the life career that the Yan flies, also know that the Yan flies from when start Xi martial of, although always is teaching to appear a mysterious phenomenon in the process that the Yan flies an effort at the king, the Yan flies basically of real strenght growth process she still knows.But the Yan flies but doesn't know at when the real strenght started advancing by leaps and bounds, the first's making her surprised is second gold night that kill a cold country Ming on the Monaco platform, the second makes her surprised be kill three super superiors tonight.Want to know these three super superiors not only the real strenght is strong, and experienced, isn't the gold night Ming that is absorbed in a game to compare. Although Nie three Fengs are also present,Nie three Fengs visit real strenght of bateau to Nie three Fengs to understand very much and know that his most can worry a superior tonight, leave of three superiors' affirmation is what Yan flies to polish off alone.Visiting the real strenght that the bateau flies to the Yan by so doing is curious, she is over to know nothing a Yan to fly have already attained now what layer. the urgent need for them Part of the reason for the shortage of masks is that with the outbreak of the epidemic supply is declining while the US supply In some cases protect themselves Insufficient supply has put medical workers and others which may have a ripple effect on other people What makes this problem even worse is that people confused about importing them into the United States The urgent problem that needs to be solved a better understanding of customs regulations and community support Since speed is the most important aspect in health care it is essential to try to prevent stalls when shipping medical supplies from abroad Ensuring that goods and importers are registered and approved by fda is the key to keeping things going which are designed for construction are considered to be medical