The weaker sex can pack a mean punch in business! Business Articles | January 26 Artem Anisimov Olympics Jersey , 2005 Judging from the title itself, you?re probably expecting a men-bashing article about the kind of injustice that men cause women and about how women should learn how to hold their can of pepper spray in hand (facing the right direction, of course, unless the women plan to blind themselves) the moment they catch a whiff of a MAN.
Well?.er, no. Not really.
I am here to explain and give some good examples of why and how women can do what they want to do in business and reap full benefits of the structure that they have chosen to adopt. I want to encourage them and tell them that women can make good business owners.
Women in business are better in dealing with people Nikita Zaitsev Olympics Jersey , i.e, business will be better simply because of the fact that women have higher levels of emotional intelligence (EI or EQ). What does emotional intelligence have to do with business? A whole lot, if you ask me. Let?s, first, define emotional intelligence in the business context Nikita Nesterov Olympics Jersey , shall we? EQ is defined quite loosely as ?social skills and ambition or selfpersonal strength?. If a person have high EQ, he or she (staying safely on the fence for now, until conclusion) is better able to deal with problems at work, better at finding solutions, is better able at controlling emotions and regaining strength after a down fall. They can communicate better with others Dmitry Orlov Olympics Jersey , winning them brownie points easily, in terms of bringing in the business.
It seems that a person with high EQ (man or woman) is 67% more likely to be successful in business. And considering the fact that women, generally speaking, have higher EQs, we can safely say that they are better as business people.
In order to be successful in business Andrei Markov Olympics Jersey , you need 13 of IQ, 13 of social skills and 13 of drive and ambition.
And here?s another reason why I think women are better business people. According to the Millionaire Mind, ?being honest with people? and ?getting along with people? is ranked #1 and #3 as the needed ingredients for becoming a millionaire. And isn?t it a coincidence that women have both these skills as naturally as they come.
Don?t believe me? Think about it.
Being honest with people. ?That client is such a bitch. I don?t want to do business with her? and ?Sweetheart, stop messing with my kitchen?.
Getting along with people: ?Did you know that Sarah just had an abortion and then she was dumped by that godawful man who has a tattoo on his behind? Imagine that?and did you know that??blah blah blah?. Now, that?s what?s called getting along with people.
Ok Alexey Marchenko Olympics Jersey , there?s something else that you may want to look at if you?re still not convinced. How about this? SQ stands for social skills and since social skills make up for 13 of the ingredient of being successful in business, get this. Women score an average of 103 for SQ as compared to males who got an average of 96.
So, women are better at social skills and emotional intelligence and viola! We have already won 23 of the battle.
Conclusion Let me repair some of the damage that I may have done with this article now. Men have better IQs.
This article was prompted by an email from a friend who started a cake-baking business from home. She quit her job of 8 years after she had her first child and decided to start the business from home, hoping that it could get her the kind of income she had when she was in the corporate world. Within 3 months after starting the business, she was still making loses. And despite the countless emails from me (of course Dmitri Kulikov Olympics Jersey , I persuaded her to stick with it), she decided to quit her business and rejoin the work force because there was stability.
In her email, she also mentioned that she (and women, in general) is just not made for the business world. She said she will rather get the monthly check instead of wondering whether there?s any business tomorrow, the next day Alexei Emelin Olympics Jersey , the next week, the next month!
And because she felt so discouraged, I decided to write this article to prove to her that women can really pack a business punch ? but only if they stick with it and persist. The reason why she gave up her business ? she lacked ambition.
While some women come across it incredibly easy to get pregnant, other people certainly discover this procedure to be much extra challenging and can go from lots of months and even years with out conceiving a child despite their finest efforts. You will discover undoubtedly no complete fool proof way of conceiving a child, but you'll find generally going to be particular things that you can do to give yourself a much superior chance of doing so.
The first thing that you need to do would be to ensure that you come off the pill or any other sort of birth control contraceptive that you might be taking. Drs ordinarily recommend that you wait for three cycles at least after coming off your contraceptive before you start attempting to conceive.
It really is a good notion to commence taking a prenatal vitamin also. Research is surely suggested that it might well be a good idea to take 400 micro grams of folic acid on a daily basis for about a month prior to trying to get pregnant. Should you do successfully conceive then you ought to continue to take folic acid up to a level of 600 micro grams per day.